Jessica – Business Administration Apprenticeship

Case Study

Learner Journey

Jessica began her apprenticeship in Business Administration with a company which later went into liquidation. This caused a little bit of a delay in Jessica’s progress. She began her new employment with Hughes Bros part way through her qualification.

“Optimum picked up the mantel, if you like, and pulled everything together for Jessica to continue. I would rate Optimum Skills a  10 out of 10 for the service we have received. Because of the start that Jessica had, it was a rolling qualification that Jessica had already started. Somebody had to pick it up, and Jessica and Hughes Bros weren’t aware of what was required. Optimum really took the bull by the horns and made sure that she continued her progression.” – Employer

Learner Progression

“Jessica is the longest-serving member of staff from the Sunderland office. When we decided to expand Hughes Bros, we brought Jessica in with a view of putting her on the apprenticeship, and she is now a valued permanent member of staff.

It’s good for Jessica as an individual to gain these qualifications, but also for us as a company as we have filled a skill gap. Where we would have had to fill that gap with another full-time member of staff, we’ve been able to fill that with an apprentice, who we could mentor in the company’s image.

I understand how important it is for the construction industry particularly to have apprenticeships. Not just office-based, but site based as well. She’s got a long way to go, but she’s progressing all the time and getting better.” – Employer

“Jessica has learnt and developed during her apprenticeship through her mentors in the workplace and by completing her self-study tasks. Jessica’s confidence has grown alongside her skills which has enabled her to become a valued member of staff and a successful apprentice.” – Tutor

Next Steps

“I have had a great experience during my apprenticeship. I had a lot of support from my manager and from the assessors that I had. Although having different assessors did delay completing some work I eventually completed the work with the support I received. All in all the experience I had was fantastic and I would recommend Optimum Skills to anyone.” – Jessica

Jessica has successfully completed her qualification in Business Admin Level 2. She will now continue in her employment at Hughes Bros, where she can continue to grow and develop her skills.

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